
Are people who read the bible the only people with morals on the planet?
Does Christianity really install a moral compass?
No and No.

In fact, the most ignorant of morals have been Christians in my experience. They have the ticket into heaven; they asked Jesus to save them from themselves (cuz who else is sending them to hell, huh?), and they can just tell him Sorry any time they mess up.
But, when others mess up —oooh, boy, get your armor on! Those Christians will come tearing up a yard to show that offender of Christ the way to life and forgiveness. Those enmeshed Christians are all up in each other’s faces when a sin gets dropped, when a life-style isn’t accepted, when a choice other than what they would choose is made. Christians are like the world’s fun police/librarians: “Sssssshhhh! You there, stop having fun! I didn’t tell you you could do that. You can’t have fun unless I tell you how it’s done, first.”

They colonized unions forged in love; they put licenses on simple things like marriages; demanding only their man + woman ideals be the only relationships recognized.
They colonized love; they made it boring –and scary. They placed hell in the mix to keep their daft children, who no longer believe in Santa, from going too far.
They colonized fun; suddenly little girls have to cover up their bodies so men and young men don’t masturbate or rape, rather than teaching their sons not to behave that way. They even shamed masturbation! Their creator placed a joy and release valve within reach and they colonized that, too. No self pleasure –because they colonized pleasure, too. If you didn’t work your ass off to receive that which brings you pleasure, you’re not worthy, and you’re indulgent and going to hell. Don’t get me started on Vanity…

Anyway, the body, when cared for, listened to, nurtured, and comforted will show the human soul within when they choose wrong. This better-than belief that a non-believer is moral-less is infantilizing, demoralizing, not to mention arrogant.

I guess, though, what’s to be expected?
If you are what you eat, do you become what you worship?

If you become what you worship and you worship a narcissist, won’t you believe you’re a better-than being, chosen for heaven, while everyone else, poor, poor them, is lost and heading straight to hell (which is not explained as a real place, even in their bible)?

I believe fear-lead, religious people created hell and bring it all over earth with their forced, follow-us ways, as if to say no one else knows like they do and assuming unbelievers are incapable of knowing good behaviors from not-so-good ones. They actually assume to know what other people feel like inside of their own bodies; it’s bizarre.
They create hell where they preach hell, dragging it along as they look sadly, judging all the stray sheep. And they take it everywhere as they attempt to change people’s minds (convert) to their way of thinking, like manipulators do.
They assume other people’s lives aren’t as “good” as their own. They follow the “better-than” faiths.
Initially, I believe Hell was made up to terrify youths from roaming; it’s a scare tactic of old for childlike followers; like how Santa sees you when your sleeping & keeps tabs on you when you’re “bad,” their god is one and the same.

Hell is warning you, always, to be good, or else–rather than to be thoughtful and considerate, because consequences happen here and now.

1 thought on “Morals”

  1. Pamela Janine Smith

    I thought you should be aware that one of your Facebook “friends” is screen shoting anything you say about us. Today you referred to us as “helicopter/bully parents”. Please don’t defy the cease and desist letter. I surely don’t want to take you to court. You’ve put 2 restraining orders on me which I respected. Yet the whole time you were online criticizing me, drawing hideous pictures of me and lying. I actually love you and I feel sorry that you think me so evil. Anyway, please leave me alone and don’t refer to me in any of your online sites. By the way, I don’t believe in hell as I told you many times.

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