From the Guides

This may sound strange to some of you, but I’ve realized I have guides. All of us do! Perhaps within us is a voice that speaks loudly, with worry and concern. But there is a soft voice within the chatter inside… for me, there is no knowledge of gender, name or even a vocal pitch; it’s just a soft knowing. When I relax and allow myself to ask, “Well, what if this voice were really true? I listen to the negative one and I’ve been having quite a negative set of circumstances throughout life… what if I believed this one? Just this one time, let’s see what it says…” peace flows in, relaxing is easy, concentration isn’t important, and freedom suddenly feels possible. Call me a dreamer, I don’t care. But, this stuff is real. It’s real because it’s proven to me with my own life, and with science, too. Science is now saying that talking to yourself –and answering even audibly is a sign of a high intelligence. Google it.

The following is my inner voice, this morning and WOW!! What a beautiful day this morning is opening up to!!
Enjoy, loves.

Stop thinking on and on about problems; past, present, and future.

Let go of the worry held in the belly; anxiety, fears, and concerns. You are well loved, we are all one and we all want us to succeed. We are reaching out to learn, to experience, to feel, to be…

Let your mind flow to thoughts of joy; breathing in the love that is all around your circle of space. Be at peace within, knowing without a doubt that all you need is waiting to be laid at your feet, so you will smile. Universe wants you to succeed. Universe wants to understand. We are all Universe, we are all one, it is beautiful!

Uncertainty can be met with excitement and anticipation, rather than dread.

Changes are tough: cry through them, it’s okay to feel, and do not despair. You will come through and you will be lifted up –long before you breathe your last breath, long before Jesus comes back to save you, if you believe that. Right now, right here, this moment is yours to take to fill in the worries and woes of this life with the hopes and dreams you’re wishing to fulfill. There’s no reason to spend this one life we now have with misery. NO reason at all.

Know you are loved for what you truly are: this is us, we are one, One…

Know you’re safe. This is the home we created. We created it together, you and all.

Know some are broken and cannot see past their pain, but you are healing; you are searching for your joy and we, you and all of everything, want to be in the highest sense: joy. Bliss. Happiness. Heaven. Nirvana. Ecstasy.

There is no better feeling in life than the one of being accepted, the one of being care-free, of being cared for, and being in complete acceptance from all… and you have it! Savor possibilities. Just release all the negative programs –they’re the stumbling blocks. We have to work hard for this joy –and it truly lies within reach.

There is no need for fears. If travesty befalls you, know that this is the game of life –it can’t always be monotonous! Excitement gets us moving toward goals. Besides, you will tackle the obstacle in it’s time, not now while worrying over it’s possibility. You will overcome it without needing to prepare for it. You will ALWAYS be ready. You will ALWAYS be okay in the end. It may be difficult, but you will make it through.

Take your life within your hands. Take your joy back into your mind from the last time you felt carefree, loved and in joy. Release the tension in your body that tells you you’re not enough; there is no such thing. This world is abundant for you. Your heart fills abundantly. Your mind fills abundantly. Your soul is full to the point of spilling out at the seams. You will be alright, this is only a simulation. This is only a game in which you’re meant to find the ultimate goal: freedom of the mind!! Free it from worry.
Focus on those things that bring you joy. Dream during the day over the possibilities. Yes, you will have Mr Rational step in and try to tell you you’re not keeping your feet on the ground. Yes, Miss Negativity will say, “You can’t trust-fall into the Universe, no one’s ever done that…” but how do you really know??? Perhaps all of our successors have done just that! Maybe they don’t want to tell because it’s worth learning, on your own; it’s so fulfilling! The chase, the run, the finish line… It’s all there. It just has to be run to! You can make it dear one. You are not defunct. This world has so much to offer you.
Let go and try to engulf your magic within and shower your soul in its light. Release the energy that stops your joy and growth from billowing out. You can do anything! You can accomplish anything! You can achieve anything you wish!!! We all rejoice in your successes and learnings! Keep working towards your wishes and make movements towards your hopes and dreams. Don’t sit idle.

Idleness is a statement to the Universe: I need nothing.

Fear is a statement to the Universe: give me more of the things I fear.

Worry is a statement from you to the Universe… I don’t trust you. I can’t be trusted…





And teach your children how to evolve with you –they’re masters at this game. Show them that nothing is impossible. Show them your light and love, show them the bright light that is life. Don’t snuff it out with worries and cares of things you cannot change or are riddled with. Don’t overwhelm them with grief.

Give them the childhood you dreamed of having and know you’re on to greener pastures!! Life is getting good, now! Rest, assured, it is yours –you just need to reach forwards in confidence and lean back in reliance.

Be aware of the ripples you cause in our vast pond (life). When you jump in, you create waves… make sure you’re being responsible for your actions, don’t let another go down without caring for them, also. Don’t make such waves that you’re unaware of the suffering you’re causing. Far too many are willing to just take what they want and to hell with those who can’t grab fast enough. Finders keepers, losers weepers is why there is so much suffering here. Competition always creates a loser; grab their hand and run the finish with them, too! Do what you wish someone would do for you at every opportunity. Don’t miss an opportunity to offer love and kindness to another. Don’t deny your waves and move on forwards –this is what is wrong with our people. Let the love pour out, more will flow in, be assured, little ones. Love has no boundaries.