November Nuts
“The mother wound can be defined as your mother not being emotionally attuned and available to you as a child. She may have been present physically but emotionally absent. There could be a multitude of reasons for it.”
“The mother wound can be defined as your mother not being emotionally attuned and available to you as a child. She may have been present physically but emotionally absent. There could be a multitude of reasons for it.”
Being a young mom was fun. Watching my little girl grow, seeing how she needed my every moment’s attention; how one-on-one parenting was best. As Christianity took root in my soul, I pulled away from that knowing to add another soul to my responsibility, to fill a void, to have a playmate and friend for
Certain Uncertainty Read More »
It seems most of us in the entire world are experiencing quarantine (albeit government, news media, and “essential workers”) in solitude. We are shacked up in homes, alone; holed up in apartments with mates; re-homed with parents; at home with children. Yet there are some that are homeless, enduring this all alone. What we’re all
The Endurance of Solitude Read More »
These months since my last entry have been long, tedious, and trying –but I’m non-destructable so far, I see. In October, we were moving right along. November came up and we marched through, overcoming obstacles like personal space, kind speech, and how to state feelings without fearing rejection. Thursdays popped up over and over, each
Update for the gap of time Read More »
I’d like to state for the record that I removed my children from schools outside of the home. I have one child still flip-flopping on the decision, as she goes to a college prep school and loves it there… No more anxiety attacks when the automated mass phone alert from the school calls about a
Our days of slogging are through Read More »
So, I’m coming up to the 1 month of working, while parenting with positivity. I must confess, before July I had a long, tear filled afternoon talk with the kids. I admitted that I’d tried my best and that if within one month we haven’t made amazing changes to each and every one of us
Month 1: work while working Read More »