If you find yourself getting into arguments with others, feel disgruntled, or are bored, looking for something to do that’s got some action, first check yourself.
Have you:
- eaten in the past 3 hours?
- had a drink of water in the past hour?
- done something kind for someone?
- helped another?
- made your bed tidy?
- exercised today?
- slept enough last night?
- taken a shower within two days?
If you answer “no” to a question, go do it!
Be the person you’d want to have a friendship with.
Love unconditionally. That means to love as an extension of yourself; to hurt them would be to hurt yourself.
Don’t judge, if you don’t like when someone does something, look hard at yourself: are you doing that very thing, too? If so, fix you. That’s all you’re in charge of.
Warning: Objects in mirror may disappear with denial
Be aware; judgmental, self-righteous parenting has created victims since the writings of the bible. Victims are in the Fight/Flight/Freeze Mode and are unable to perform any tasks that require the Reasoning program to Run. We cannot continue this malfunctioning program --we're devolving our futures and paving a dead end for our offspring.
For more info, click on my blog entry:
Parenting 24/7 101
Parenting 24/7 101
Take a moment to look at the behavior presented to our children. This is part of the Practice I am performing with my own offspring.
- Are we making our needs known, calmly stating exactly what we expect?
- Are we shrieking?
- Are we using accusations?
- Are we actually venting?
- Are we reacting, rather than responding?
- Are we lacking in any of the Tools To Spark Evolution list (see top of page)?
- Are we demanding something we wouldn’t even be able to do? (ahem, asking for the impossible)
- Are we overlooking their needs and making ours more important? The truth is, they’re just as important, face it, today.
Clearly, we must be open to growth; humanity is on the line, here.
We have to some day soon outnumber the sleepers and we’ll need to take the wheel from them. Our children need to be equipped and ready to face those who don’t have an awareness nor a will to evolve.
Here are some ideas to chickety-check ourselves:
- Record our interactions with the camera on our phones. Playback the video to see how we interact when we forget the camera’s on. Let the kids in, too. There may be an opportunity to correct their behavior, too. Do so lovingly by saying, “Do you think that your response was kind when you did that?” or something to that matter. Let them learn their lesson without shame.
- Ask the children if we behave in a way that’s confusing or angry sounding to them. Incorporate them in the Practice.
- Ask for a critique, let them speak without fear of punishment.
- Listen, take notes. Our children know what we expect of them and will expect the same of us. They can recognize a slacker a mile away.
- Let them help you grow!
Being alone with family, in our most comfortable of places (home), we tend to forget to behave. Think of how you act in public, you’d never speak in the tones you speak at home, do you? Well, if you do, you’re a true self, but you’re ignoring the waves you’re creating in the pond (your family). Be aware. It’s truly the most challenging act you’ll ever do! –but I promise you, once you make it over the hump, it’s smooth sailing. Once the hard work is done, it’s maintenance from there on! It may take a month, it may take 5, depending on how hard you’re willing to try.
We’ve reaped loads of goodness in using this Practice. Just by momma stepping up to the plate to fix my behavior and attitude has made a mountain of difference. It’s humbling realizing that I was the main problem.